
Crusader kings 2 cheats deutsch
Crusader kings 2 cheats deutsch

crusader kings 2 cheats deutsch

Note: Do not grant any duchy titles to anyone and keep in mind to change vassals culture and religion. Turn your armies to the west and do the same thing.Note: Use CB “Conquer duchy” and don’t break peace treaty. Turn your armies to the east and conquer all lands here in de-jure Empire Russia.Now the main thing before you create Empire Russia: If you are lucky enough, now you have only tribals with slavic and slovianska pravda(slovianskan) and you can vassalize them.Start raids against Kiev, when we completely raid all these lands to ash – then declare war with CB “Conquer duchy Kiev” (AI likes go to siege you capital while you siegeing him).Vassalize all possible tribals, expect Kiev (If you don’t have enough relations with tribals for vassalization – send them a gift).Become slavic and slovianska pravda (slovianskan).When we completely raid all this lands to ash – than declare war with CB “Subligination”. After refilling we are going to raid Minsk.Hire 4-5 light footmen man-at-arms (Waiting for refill).Create Kingdom of Novgorod and duchy Luki (You should make it to receive CB “Subligination”).

crusader kings 2 cheats deutsch

Move Rally Point of your Army to a border with Chiefdom of Vodi and declare war on them for county.Choose task of your spouse to Manage Domain.Note: In 872 select Medicine Focus and learn all of Whole of Body branch If you get left branch at the take 3 perks at gallant branch (Stalwart Leader, Chivalric Dominance and Never Back Down).

crusader kings 2 cheats deutsch

Taking ‘Bellum Justum’ perk (gain -50% bonus cost for casus belli) at the left branch is enough if Overseer or Gallant branch is already taken at a start.Starting as Rurik the Troublemaker in 867, lead your Dynasty to rule the Empire of Russia Goal of achievement: Make Empire of Russia as Rurik ‘Troublemaker’ of Holmgardr. Guide to Getting Land of the Rus Achievement

crusader kings 2 cheats deutsch

Guide to getting Land of the Rus achievement in Crusader Kings III.

Crusader kings 2 cheats deutsch